
Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Non-Toxic Cleaners and How I Get Them for Free!

I joined Melaleuca, The Wellness Company over a year ago during a $1 membership promotion.  A few months later I referred 8 others during a $1 promotion.  So far I have spent about $20 for 13 months worth of dish-washing detergent, laundry soap, bar soap, mascara, lip gloss, pro-biotics, vitamins, cleaners, disinfectants, hairspray, deodorant, aftershave...  And the list goes on!  I love all of their products.  None of their cleaners require a safety cap and they really work!  No bleach or formaldehyde either (you'd be surprised what main-stream cleaners have in them...).  You can check out a slideshow about the company here (passcode is Melaleuca).  Joining is easy and they're having $1 memberships again through August 16th!  I'd be happy to help you get set up!


  1. Kim,
    I'm very do I join?


    P.S. Made your creamy orange cooler today w/ our raw buttermilk!! Yummy!!!

  2. Hey Ruthie!

    Shoot me an email at kim (underscore) sisco (at) yahoo (dot) com and I'll help you get set up! I loooove the creamy orange cooler... Do you make your own buttermilk? or buy it raw?
